ADA Finance Ecosystem — Development update blog #5

Greetings ADAFiers, welcome to our latest development blog.
In our Development update blog series, we keep the community informed about the bi-weekly development progress. Since our last development update, the ADAFI platform has become material! The development of separate components is now complete and all components are integrated into a single architecture deployed on our development cluster. The team is currently working together now to test all different components, writing automated integration and end-to-end tests.
Wallet integration, Staking, and Referral UI
The Frontend team has developed the /stake and /affiliate pages and components for fully functional Staking and Affiliate dApps. We’ve integrated the Cypress testing framework and are actively testing and verifying each functionality.
We connected MetaMask and Avalanche Wallet, to interact with Avalanche Fuji TestNet, and Nami Wallet to interact with Cardano Alonzo TestNet. The wallet dApp connectors allow us to connect the user wallet, transfer ADAFI tokens and execute Smart Contract functions on each network.

We are continuing to test the functionality, covering the various test cases, making sure that the user experience is optimal, all transaction inputs are properly validated, and does not get rejected by the smart contract function execution. We are getting ready to release the Beta version of the interface before the IDO launch.
Solidity Smart Contracts
The Solidity team has finished developing the Staking and Referrals Smart Contracts, providing interfaces to the Frontend team. The contracts are integrated and we need to verify that they work as intended. We’re working with iterating over different smart contract versions, fixing integration issues, writing additional functions that ensure correct execution of all the edge cases for the Smart Contract. Once we are done with updates, we will provide the source code to the smart contract auditors — Solidity Finance LLC. Once audit results have been received, we will deploy the Smart Contracts to the MainNet and open the Smart Contract code to the public.

When the ADAFI token is released to the users on Avalanche blockchain the users will be able to use the Smart Contracts on Avalanche C-Chain MainNet. Right away, users will be able to Stake ADAFI tokens and receive passive earnings starting with 15% APR for the first 90 days and then 20% APR for keeping the stake longer. Users will also be able to claim additional bonuses in ADAFI tokens participating in our affiliate program referring the platform to friends.
Plutus Application Backend
The Haskell team worked closely with DevOps and infrastructure engineers to deploy the infrastructure components on our dev cluster required to interact with the Cardano Alonzo Testnet: Cardano Node, Cardano Wallet, Plutus Chain Index, and Plutus Application Backend. Each of these components is integrated with our Continuous Integration service allowing us to build new versions of the PAB with Smart Contracts and quickly test any version combination of the components, verifying which version provides the most stable operation.
The Staking Smart Contract is now integrated into the Plutus Application Backend. The team tests the integration flow sending transactions via Nami wallet integrated into the Frontend. When the Frontend calls some endpoints and builds a transaction, the PAB responds with an unbalanced transaction that needs to be balanced, signed, and submitted by the Nami wallet. The transaction balancing feature is not yet fully implemented, this allows us to balance very simple transactions. We are resolving the issues and working through the possible solutions together with the community.
We are yet to solve concurrency issues with the Cardano network before we could deploy our solution to the MainNet. We are getting ready for that, developing the TestNet version of the Staking Contract on Cardano Alonzo MainNet network to be presented before the IDO.
ADA Finance is in the process of developing and testing a sophisticated and dependable ecosystem. These are just the beginning steps toward establishing a new DeFi industry standard!